How to set emotional boundaries?
Emotional boundaries are violated when you take on someone else’s problems as yours. Set emotional boundaries by connecting to yourself and identifying what makes you feel comfortable and safe. You can support people you care for while holding emotional boundaries to protect your energy. Learn to identify your needs and convey them clearly and calmly.
Why do I keep going back to a toxic relationship?
There are lots of reasons for you to keep going back to a toxic relationship. Ending a relationship is not easy. The confusion from mixed messages and lies that happens in a toxic relationship makes it difficult to end it. On top of that if you have childhood trauma resulting in attachment wounds then getting out of toxic situations become more complicated.
How to stop being codependent in a relationship?
Codependency is not something you only see in a romantic relationship. In a codependent relationship one person is always giving way more than they are receiving. To stop being codependent in a relationship, along with knowing your codependent patterns it might be important to know what a healthy relationship looks like.
The dangers of being a people pleaser
People pleasing is just not about saying yes to others, it’s constantly trying to meet other people’s needs by decoding what they want from you or expect from you. People pleasers put others’ needs above their own. There is a constant fear of abandonment, fear of being alone, fear of being left behind and fear of criticism. By being agreeable they try to protect themselves from these fears.
Why do we want relationships?
Have you ever wondered, why do we need people in our lives? why are relationships important? With my experience both professionally and personally I have learned that it does not matter how much we try to convince ourselves that, “I am better off alone” it never works. I am a big promoter of independence, self-reliance, self-trust and self care, but that does not mean we don’t need to depend on other people.
How to say no politely?
Saying no is not easy for someone who is a people pleaser. For them saying no would mean that they are not being nice. Saying no could threaten their relationship and bring up fear of abandonment. Saying no becomes easier with connecting with yourself, understanding your needs and prioritizing yourself. Practicing saying no and showing patience and compassion to yourself when you cannot say no. Lets find out ways in which you can say no and not feel guilty and apologetic.
How to stop being a people pleaser?
Learning to stop being a people pleaser is significant to living a peaceful and content life. The over accommodating, self neglecting behavior that comes with being a people pleaser can jeopardize your inner peace and relationships. People pleasers tend to blame themselves for everything and disconnect from their own needs to make others happy. People pleasers care a lot about external validation and how they are perceived by other people.
What does grief feel like?
Grief is a healing process we experience due to the loss of something significant. It is a natural reaction to our loss. Grief can last for months or years. There is no timeline to grief. Thoughts, feelings and emotions can come and go. Our experience of grief is influenced by a lot of different factors. Grief hurts, it follows it’s own process and there is no time limit on grief. It looks different for everyone. Grief is not only felt because of death, it is a result of any type of loss.
What does depression feel like?
How will you know that the low feeling that you are experiencing is depression? Let’s talk about a few questions you can ask yourself to understand the feeling better and also a few symptoms of depression. Feeling sad does not always mean we are experiencing depression. Depression It is a feeling of emptiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness. Depression prevents you from listening to your inner voice.