Signs of anxiety in a relationship
Anxiety in a relationship is caused by the fear of abandonment. You cannot trust that your partner wants to be with you. It is a result of your past experiences with your parents who were emotionally immature and past romantic relationships that caused trauma.
Signs of Codependent Relationship
A codependent relationship is an unhealthy dynamic in which someone takes on the role of a giver and focus on meeting others needs at their own expense. It can be seen in any type of a relationship and it can be transferred from one generation to the other.
How to heal from a toxic relationship?
Being in a toxic relationship which could be romantic, professional, friendship or a parent child relationship can take a toll on our physical and emotional health. Healing from it requires prioritizing yourself, listening to your intuition and following them.
How to heal childhood emotional neglect?
Healing childhood emotional neglect is a journey of self compassion and making space for the parts of you that were shunned and neglected and the parts that have been protecting you and helping you survive. It is a journey to getting to know yourself and being the person that you have been waiting for.
People Pleasers in Relationships
People pleasers in relationships are lead by the fear of abandonment. They are worried about being judged by others. They try very hard to fit in. People pleasers have a difficult time setting boundaries. They think relationship are based on what can do for others. They think if they stop giving no one will include them.
How childhood emotional neglect and romantic relationships are connected
A child who grows up with emotional neglect learns very subconsciously that it’s not safe to be themselves and express their needs. As adults they have a hard time being vulnerable and letting people in. Learn about the coping skills that makes it difficult for them to form secure relationships.
Why is culturally sensitive therapy important?
Culturally sensitive therapy has a big influence on the therapeutic relationship. We cannot separate an individual from their culture. Culture determines how we perceive the world around us. Culturally sensitive therapy allows trust to develop in the therapeutic relationship.
How to heal relationship trauma?
Relationship trauma is when you are in a toxic and abusive relationship that leaves you feeling powerless and hopeless. Relationship trauma is not limited to romantic relationships. Healing relationship trauma is important to help your system unburden and allow yourself to feel safe and be able to emotionally connect again.
Effect of childhood emotional neglect on adults
Childhood emotional trauma can cause deep wounds that continue to hurt us in our adulthood. In order to feel loved and seen we disconnect from our feelings and focus on meeting others needs. This makes it easier for toxic people to enter our lives. Lean about how childhood emotional neglect affects us as adults and how to heal from it.